Working in partnership with South Square Gallery to initiate 'To Draw is to be Human', an exhibition showcasing diverse contemporary drawing practice which I devised, coordinated and curated. The exhibition continued South Square's excellent record in offering opportunities to emerging artists and curators.

PART 2: This exhibition brings together the work of five artists that use drawing as the centre of their practice; Narrative, Construction, Gesture, Mapping and Inscription could be seen as the key principles that the artists are investigating through their diverse practices. PART 2: Worked in partnership with Crescent Arts to exhibit 'To Draw is to be Human' which included artists in conversation event and publication with Director, Stuart Cameron.

A visual arts project which explores contemporary drawing in response to the space/building of Dean Road Prison, Scarborough. Featuring the work of 16 artists: Hanna Ten Doornkaat Shelley Theodore Evy Jokhova Catherine Anyango Greig Burgoyne April Virgoe Fiona Grady Russell Smith Nicola Holloway Rachel Renwick Andrew Cheetham Andy Black Kate Black Lucy O'Donnell Sally Taylor Tracy Himsworth Working in partnership with Tracy Himsworth and Create for Coastival.

Working in partnership with South Square Gallery to initiate 'To Draw is to be Human', an exhibition showcasing diverse contemporary drawing practice which I devised, coordinated and curated. The exhibition continued South Square's excellent record in offering opportunities to emerging artists and curators.